If you want the biggest fruits and flowers, a mixture of top quality nutritional minerals that stimulate flowering.

If you do this at the right moment, you will get astonishing results!

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GrowHard – Bitch’n


Say no to seeds. Bitch?n allows the plant to rebalance its flowering hormone levels by increasing auxin production and decreasing gibberellin production within the plant. This formula allows the plant to reduce the hormonal effects of plant stress including heat stress, rapid barometric change or poor/disadvantaged genetic quality. These factors can all lead to the plant trying to reproduce, resulting in seed production and overall loss of target yield, fruit/flower weight and quality.
Use: Directly prior to onset of flowering and during flowering.
Use on genetics prone to hermaphrodism or on fruits/flowers/vegetables experiencing (or expecting)
unseasonally warm temperatures during fruit/flowering. Prevention, not cure.



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