If you want the biggest fruits and flowers, a mixture of top quality nutritional minerals that stimulate flowering.

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Green Planet – GP3 (1 part)


This unrivalled 3 part nutrient system consists of a combination of all primary, secondary and micronutrients in three separate formulas; Grow, Bloom and Micro. GP3 contains pure ingredients, better nutrient ratios, a more complete formulation, better results and overall better value. It contains no carbonates or synthetic dyes and has the cleanest salt and residue index available. GP3 contains three unique chelated iron sources designed for a broad range of pH environments.
1L Grow
1L Bloom
1L Micro
5L Grow
5L Bloom
5L Micro
25L Grow
25L Bloom
25L Micro
207L Grow
207L Bloom
207L Micro


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