Grow Veggies Easily: An Introduction to Hydroponics
Are you tired of struggling with traditional gardening methods?
Day and Night Temp for Hydro Plants
According to Canna, that different temperatures effect how your plants will perform! Canna says: This video explains why temperature is so crucial if you want your plants to grow and develop to their full potential.
How does a hydroponic system work?
How does a hydroponic system work? A hydroponic system is a type of farming that uses water as the nutrient and instead of soil. There are many different types of hydroponic systems, but they all have three main components: a water reservoir, a growing medium, and an energy source. The energy source can be anything […]
What are some of the most popular hydroponic crops?
What are some of the most popular hydroponic crops? A hydroponic system is a method of growing plants without soil. Some popular hydroponic crops are lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and strawberries.
How do I get started with a home hydroponics system?
How do I get started with a home hydroponics system? Hydroponics is a type of gardening where the plant’s roots are not in the soil but instead they are suspended in a nutrient-rich water solution. The plants get all their nutrients through the water and grow faster because they don’t need to wait for the […]
What are the benefits of hydroponics?
Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil. It is done by suspending the plant roots in water and feeding them with a nutrient-rich solution. There are many benefits to hydroponics that make it a great choice for commercial farming and home gardening. – Hydroponic systems use up less space than traditional soil-based gardens, […]
Hydroponics at Home
Did you know that you can grow your favorite herbs and veggies right at home? It’s so easy to set-up and maintain, even a beginner can do it! The biggest benefits are that you know exactly what you’re eating and it’s cheaper than buying them at the store. Whether you are looking to grow your […]
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The Essentials of Successful Gardening
Genes The genetics of your plants will play a major role in the outcome of your garden. As the plant goes through its life cycle it can sometimes be difficult to assess whether the plant is responding to its environment, or whether it is following the instructions written in its DNA. With the rise of […]
Hydroponic Gardening
Hydroponics is a gardening system where you grow plants in a soilless solution, usually water. A hydroponic garden has a 30-50 percent faster grow rate and a larger yield than a soil garden. Hydroponic gardens also have fewer issues with bugs, pest, and disease. To build your own hydroponic garden, start by constructing the hydroponic system. Then, add the crops to the system so they can grow. Maintain the hydroponic garden as it develops and enjoy happy, healthy plants at home.